How to cook up a tasty incentive for your channel partners

Reading time: about 2 minutes

Anyone can cook, but there is more to cooking than simply throwing ingredients together and hoping for the best. You need to get the timing just right and prevent things from cooling too quickly.

It’s the same with incentives! At TBT Marketing, we understand sales; we know incentive techniques, and we can provide you with the correct ingredients and methods to create a successful offering.


  • Audience: a good bunch! Picked in your channel partners’ fields — or in your neighbour’s if you dare
  • Products/​solutions: 1 to half a dozen
  • Achievable targets: a maximum of 3
  • Rewards: 1 bowl of an appealing assortment
  • Creativity: as much as can be absorbed
  • Legal knowledge: 2 spoons
  • Project management: 4 cups of a mixture of planning skills, customer service and attention to detail


  • Preparation: once all ingredients are gathered the preparation time can be reduced to 10 working days. 
  • Cooking and sharing: slow cooking lovers would keep the incentive warm for 6 months, while those preferring snacks on the go will keep it less than a month!


  • In a bowl, mix together half the creativity and half the project management. Whisk until you get an attractive and easy to understand incentive process. Drizzle over a bit of legal knowledge.
  • Meanwhile, in a large dish, spread a layer of appealing rewards topped with achievable targets. Repeat layers but don’t over fill!
  • Bring your target audience to boil over a high heat with Watch this space” teasers.
  • Melt the remaining creativity and project management together to produce effective marketing assets and a microsite. 
  • Combine everything together, check the taste and adjust as required.
  • Pour generously over the audience. Shake and share widely. 
  • To keep it smooth, add some good human customer service to handle the management of participation, pre-validation of the claims and reward deliveries. 

Serving recommendations:

  • Always serve with regular reports on pre-agreed objectives
  • Re-heat regularly with some incentive reminders
  • Take the opportunity to train the sales teams with a touch of education


  • Always seek feedback 
  • Don’t hesitate to refresh and repeat with fruits and vegetables in season
  • Try adding an exotic international twist using the TBT Marketing dedicated event team

Need some assistance? Hire a Chef, hire TBT Marketing! Call us: hello@​tbtmarketing.​com

Bön appétit!

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